

Compliance Health Check for Asset Managers

This Compliance Health Check helps asset managers to review the compliance status in below common risk areas and deficiencies that identified by regulators before. This Compliance Health Check is divided into the following areas:

  1. Professional Investors 
  2. Discretionary Client Agreement
  3. Potential Conflicts of Interest and Commission Disclosures of Discretionary Account Managers
  4. Notification of Outside Directorship and Business Interests
  5. Fund Manager Code of Conduct
  6. Standards of Conduct Expected of Asset Managers Considering Dubious Private Fund and Discretionary Account Arrangements or Transactions
  7. Best Execution and Fair Allocation

The self-assessment of above risk areas can be conducted separately. Simply answer some questions about your compliance status of different aspects, you will be provided a preliminary result of your compliance status for reference and follow up. You can also share this tool with your industry peers and colleagues for use and reference. Please note the scope of the self-assessment is not exhaustive and it cannot be relied upon to detect all weaknesses and deficiencies in the internal control systems or all deficiencies in compliance of all relevant regulatory requirements.