Questions & Answers

We would like to answer all the questions you may have.


Money Service Operators Licensing (MSO Licensing)

Our Services

22. What is the scope of services that Fidelity Consulting Services Limited (FCSL) can provide?

FCSL can provide the following services and support for Licensing of money service operators:

  • Face-to-face, email, and telephone consultation on the feasibility and compliance advisory
  • A preliminary review of the background of the applicants for fit and proper person test
  • Provide advisory and template for preparation of the business plan and AML controls and policy
  • Prepare and submit license and renewal applications to the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED)
  • Prepare responses for enquires from the C&ED
  • Arrange a meeting with C&ED Officers, if necessary

For more details, please contact us.